Monthly Archives: October 2015


By definition resilience is having the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from illness or change. There is so much to be said about this word because it’s powerful! As I look back over my life and I think things over I realize that there have been so many occurrences that I’ve experienced and, yes I’ve been resilient…I’ve bounced back.Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 2.19.24 AM

If I had not been in these various situations, my thoughts, my feelings and my opinion about this word would be very different. I have learned so many life lessons. When I was on The Keynote (reality show) I realized how fortunate I was. Many people in our society would love to be on television and in the public eye and I understand that, but for many it might be for the wrong reason.

My motives are quite different today. When I was younger it would have been more of a self servant vanity campaign, but at this stage in my life having battled addiction, and being a two time cancer survivor it’s all about grace and responsibility.

The Keynote is one of my many examples of how I’ve been resilient. I’ve bounced back with and for a purpose. I’m grateful for my challenges because now that I’ve bounced back I can give back.

It may take some effort, but my questions for you are have you been resilient or will you be resilient? Learn more about my experience on The Keynote: @ #TheKeynote

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What do you dream about? When was your last dream? What did you dream about as you were growing up during your youth? Many of us lose our dreams and our ability to dream.Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 4.58.17 PM

Scientifically I’m told that we dream nightly, but we don’t remember those dreams. Now there is another side to those of us with plans and goals. It seems that we go from imagination or visualization, to discussion and eventually dreams.

My point is that dreaming can be a big part of your development, evolution and your success. When I was a child I dreamed and hoped for a career as a musician. Many of my desires came through, but not as meaningfully as I would have liked because I got lazy.

When it’s all said and done I can only blame myself for my lack of success as singer. I was cute and didn’t think that I had to work on my craft. In hindsight, I imagine that I thought things would workout just because.

Nothing works out just because you want it to. We must put effort in all things. The silver lining is that…all of those years on stages and performance prepared me for the life that I have now as a National Trainer, Speaker & Author. As a cast member of The Keynote Reality Show I was able to use all of my expertise and new nuances to showcase my professionalism. What will or can your dreams afford you the opportunity to achieve?

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Collaboration…7 Easy Steps to Determine if You Should

Don’t be fooled…collaboration is something that we can all benefit from. I use to be the guy that did it all on my own and to some degree…I still do. I started getting coaches and mentors over the past 3 years and have seen a drastic change in outcomes.Screen Shot 2014-07-26 at 5.26.22 PM

Some of the outcome benefits are financial (products) and some are with potential to land speaking and training engagements. My point is that I understand why many entrepreneurs go solo. The range of reasons vary and they are valid, yet with good filters and people qualifying you can begin to get comfortable with collaborations.

1. Watch what they do when they aren’t engaging you.

2. Listen to the way that they express themselves and see if it matches their actions.

3. View or review their website, social profile, and any platform (including video) to see if they would have good chemistry with you, and you with them.

4. Over a period of time their attitude and general behavior should have a reasonable amount of consistency.

5. Work habits and ethics should align with best practices.

6. What type of credibility do they have?

7. What type of following do they have?

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