Category Archives: Purpose


One of the most important things in life is relationships (personal, professional, business, and spiritual). There may be other aspects of life that are also relationship oriented, but the types mentioned above are primarily where most of us focus our efforts. Many people may not think that spirituality is significant in life, but I can assure you that it is. Your spirituality may be extremely important when it comes to interacting, understanding and working with others.
Most of us want healthy or fruitful relationship and the more your grounded spiritually, the better your relationships will be with others. Understand that business relationships can be very peculiar. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration. We must consider trust, sincerity, a certain amount of life balance and at times finance.
During The Keynote, I was challenged with trust and ability more than anything else. I always rely on my own effort and know how, however I was challenged with getting to know other professionals, learning about their industry and their work effort. I also had to learn how to communicate with my cast mates. When I say communicate, I’m talking about sharing and understanding (listening and speaking). My life experience has shown me that to rely on others is risky, but with The Keynote I embraced moving outside of my comfort zone and I developed some serious relationships. These relationships will more than likely last many years and hopefully a lifetime.
The relationships from The Keynote transcend race, age and industry and that’s one of the things that make the reality show that we are in so much more different than the typical reality show that you’d see on television today. Although I don’t know everyones spiritual belief system, I do know that we were a lock even pretty much from day one. Delatorro (though young) has an old soul and makes for a really good coach, mentor and friend.
Professional relationships echo some of the same sentiments, attributes or benefits that business relationships have. One of the biggest differences is that you are the main focus. If you are a solo-preneur it’s up to you to know your stuff and to have it down pat. If you’re working with others in business (partners / collaborations) that’s when there’s more expectation or understanding as it relates to focus, trust, sincerity and life balance.
Many of The Keynote cast members have collaborated on different projects since that mansion experience and that’s another example of the relationships that have been developed.  There is a part of your personal development that is woven through every aspect of your life. That includes things listed here and things that are not listed here. Believe it or not you also have a personal relationship with your self that relates to your thoughts, your actions, your abilities, your inabilities, your choices and so much more!
As you probably know this topic is a very realistic part of our lives, but we rarely discuss it. Some of these same elements are displayed and played out in The Keynote, but in a entertaining, business oriented fashion. Help us raise the funds to produce this program and bring it to you (the masses) without bad behavior and drama! We believe in quality television programming. For some of the best perks in the world Go to:
I would encourage you to consider how relationships affect your life. Take a 5 minute break and write down how you feel about the following relationships listed below or where you are as the following aspects of relationships relate to your life now.
Spiritual Relationships:
Business Relationships:
Professional Relationships:
Personal Relationships:

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Filed under Purpose, Transformation


By definition resilience is having the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from illness or change. There is so much to be said about this word because it’s powerful! As I look back over my life and I think things over I realize that there have been so many occurrences that I’ve experienced and, yes I’ve been resilient…I’ve bounced back.Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 2.19.24 AM

If I had not been in these various situations, my thoughts, my feelings and my opinion about this word would be very different. I have learned so many life lessons. When I was on The Keynote (reality show) I realized how fortunate I was. Many people in our society would love to be on television and in the public eye and I understand that, but for many it might be for the wrong reason.

My motives are quite different today. When I was younger it would have been more of a self servant vanity campaign, but at this stage in my life having battled addiction, and being a two time cancer survivor it’s all about grace and responsibility.

The Keynote is one of my many examples of how I’ve been resilient. I’ve bounced back with and for a purpose. I’m grateful for my challenges because now that I’ve bounced back I can give back.

It may take some effort, but my questions for you are have you been resilient or will you be resilient? Learn more about my experience on The Keynote: @ #TheKeynote

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Filed under Purpose, Transformation

Three Benefits of Helping Others

By simply sharing your knowledge and resources, you stand to gain three benefits — benefits that will position you as an industry leader while also ensuring the longevity of your business.

1. Create Brand Advocates
You can garner valuable brand advocates by simply providing help where help is needed. We recently took this concept to heart and hired someone who is solely responsible for helping our partners. Whether it’s providing a press opportunity, a referral, or simply valuable information, it’s that person’s job to find opportunities to help someone out.
As a result of simply helping our partners, we’ve gained a community of brand advocates who consistently refer potential clients our way, bringing us valuable opportunities.

2. Decrease Barriers
When you make the effort to help someone, you are given the opportunity to form a meaningful relationship, rather than a purely transactional one.
Take my relationship with Scott Gerber, “super connector” and founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council. When we met two years ago, we could have rushed into a strictly business relationship, which wouldn’t have lasted long. Instead, Scott and I have made a meaningful connection over the past two years by giving each other feedback on projects and providing introductions. As an added benefit, we were recently able to make a seamless transactional deal because of the trust previously established between the two of us.
It’s relationships like this — larger, meaningful partnerships — that will differentiate you from competitors and provide you with the credibility to make similarly valuable connections in the future.

3. Encourage Employees to Do the Same
By helping others, you’re setting an example for your employees to do the same. This means employees will be more likely to go out of their way to help clients, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.
Consider the debt collection agency CFS2, for example. It has a simple strategy: help the people they collect from pay their debts. By helping people create résumés, coaching them through difficult times, and providing other resources, CFS2 is outperforming competitors by 200 percent. This strategy is great not only because it reflects the company’s goodwill, but by sharing its knowledge and resources with others, CFS2 positions itself as an expert in personal finances. If your brand can garner a reputation based on both amiability and expertise, you’ll have more than just a profitable business.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


Whether you’re young or old the golden rule is never outdated. It’s timeless! Something that’s so simple gets very little consideration. Don’t you remember those old sayings? If you don’t have anything good say, don’t say anything at all, treat people the way you want to be treated. Whatever happened to that mindset?
I understand that it’s a different generation, but that hasn’t stopped younger people from using music and other art forms from past generations. My point is to highlight the differences in a productive manner. As corny as it sounds, its as easy to apply.

Be kind for goodness sake. It’s only humane. So much energy is used in being negative. It takes twice as many facial muscles to frown versus to smile and depending how that affects you that ratio speaks volumes. Have you noticed today’s television reality shows and comedy programs? The brunt of each theme and joke is pain! Since when does every episode with a focus on pain become funny?
It seems that we are only physically created equal not psychologically. Today’s mindset is one of little to no compassion, yet compassion is expected in return. Are these the social norms you want your children and grandchildren to grow up with? No matter what status, race, or gender we are all entitled to being treated well. There is no excuse to be mean or cruel, so simply do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.

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Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose

The Hookup is A Set Up For A Set Back


Dr. Willie Jolley says that a setback is a setup for a comeback and that same principle applies here. Once you have received your hook-up you will soon learn that your level of understanding and your level of growth is lacking depth.
I’ve blogged about it and I wrote about it in my book “Radiate the Brain & Change the Game”…if you are looking for the hook up to get you by…it may serve you, but only for a brief period of time.

The quickest path to any direction is a straight line, and the best way to learn something is directly from the source. When we include shortcuts or hookups we prevent ourselves from learning and appreciating the entire lesson.

Success isn’t only about achieving the goal, it’s mainly (from my perspective) about the learned lessons that you acquire along the way. It may be difficult to grasp this concept when you are in immediate need of a thing (money or widget), but that will be one of the best lessons that you learn.

There may also be a certain level of pride and integrity that is acquired when you take all of the steps on your path to achievement. Don’t mistake a quick fix for the solution…often times it is not. Once you have learned through experience what it takes and what it took, you have the opportunity to repeat this effort whenever you need to.

When you have relied on the hook up you are not only relying on other people to make the difference in your life, but you are allowing your success to lay in their hands also. That is not a good position to be in. Now imagine having a need, having it met, and the next time you have that very same need you rely on Mr. Hook up and he doesn’t come or is not able to provide the particular service that you need. Once again, that is not a good position to be in. Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime!
Learn More: Enjoy our FREE 3 part video series.

Sir Charles Cary, Inc.



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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose


Lean in to what turns you on. Lean in to what makes you strong. When you find that special something, don’t take it lightly because it can be a lifetime difference maker. Although we live our lives for ourselves, we also live it for those around us.


The people that we know that have a vested interest in our lives are key. In many ways they keep us focused based on familiarity. Their mere presence can be our guideline. We’ll also find that we are the leaders in their lives and we are setting the example for them. Why simply because they watch and or follow us.

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We will also find that we set either a positive or negative example with people that we don’t have a personal relationship with. We may potentially become their role models from afar. One day we may learn that we have helped them without lifting a finger.


When you lean in you are exhibiting focus, intensity, purpose and a sense of stickitivity. When you are leaning in nothing else matters as much as your reason for being caught up in that purpose.


Make it count! Most people do not complete or finish things in their lives. Make your life and your stance matter more than anything else. Just lean in!


Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


Sometimes we simply do not know. We don’t know how something works, we don’t know why it’s that way, and we don’t know how to change it. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing. It’s just that at some point you need to learn how to change your level of awareness or intellect.

When we are exposed to the same treatment or experiences we have to realize that it’s up to us to modify or flat out stop those things from happening when they’re negative and may harm others. Those lessons give us the experience to know what to do, or what not to do.

The key is to take negative situations and create a 180 degree response. The change from what is to what should be may not be quick, but it’s better slow than non-existent. That in itself will show and prove that you have what it takes to make good decisions. That decision can possibly become a benefit to you and to others.

Learning the process of becoming a good decision maker can make for a happy and successful personal or business career. In addition there’s another reason to not use “I don’t know”. We have to eliminate excuses.

Today information is available at your fingertips. It’s available on your cell phone, on your tablet, and on your computer. We should always be aware of the resources available to us. In many cases people think that as an Alternative Recourse Expert things are sophisticated, but it’s really a common sense approach. Just as someone helped me, it afforded me the opportunity and the ability to help myself first then on to helping others.

So in closing, whatever you don’t know should and could be short lived. Look for those common scenarios and hurtles as the signs of what you need to tackle and make your mental 180 degree turn, and change your circumstances in the process!


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Sir Charles Cary, Inc.


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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


We are all special. We have gifts, talents and abilities that are waiting to be used. It’s up to us to learn or identify what those gifts are. We are able to learn those gifts under various circumstances.

Some people have been dialed in all of their lives. Their personality and character is so closely aligned with their purpose that we would have known all along that they were destined to become an accountant, carpenter athlete, or artist.
The breakdown of others varies also. The guy/gal that has worked all of their life, but woke up to realize that have an empty existence. That person has to come to a point where they will either attach themselves to a growth component in life or they will remain the same for the rest of their life.

Whether I have described your scenario or not, you must understand that your gift is yours. It is designed for you and nobody else can claim it. However, if you don’t discover it, use it appreciate, and respect it…you can lose it. You can never take your skill, gift, or talent for granted.
I did that with music after a lifetime of singing performances only to find that I was no longer able to hit the high note. It can be a crushing blow. It can even be mentally paralyzing. I guess my point is we have to learn to be dialed in. We need to realize that there is much value in sacrifice.

No matter which path you choose, there is one thing that needs to be understood. You have to treat others respectfully and equally! Just because you may have found your gift, if doesn’t put you above other people. There few exceptions in life where you may get a pass because of how special you are, but we never know if we will be granted that exception. As the saying goes “to whom much is given much is expected in return”.

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Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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Many of us don’t mean to do it, but we sabotage ourselves, relationships, careers and future life prospects based on trust issues. And as a result, we subconsciously look at ourselves as underachievers, or not being able to succeed at a given task. We simply don’t trust ourselves. We don’t trust that we have the ability to achieve.

We then at times make a halfhearted attempt at trying to achieve a goal (job, business, etc.) and since we are not giving our all we fail. Many times we feel that we are not worthy and we expect errors on our journey until they appear. Then you get a false sense of satisfaction that you’re right.

In order to overcome or succeed you have to fight mentally. You have to find a certain something within you that matters more than almost anything you know.
Slowly and surely If you remain consistent you will beat the demon that sabotages you. You will begin to see life a new and the world will open up to you!

Learn More & Get FREE 3 part video series:
Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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True transformation isn’t easy. It takes awhile to realize that the change needed is real, and that it’s achievable. Many people think about it and even know that it’s needed, but won’t muster the challenge to initiate the variables to achieve success!


First you must acknowledge it, and mentally position yourself to realize how important it is, and figure out what are the steps to actualize it.  The power of the human mind can be amazing when it is coupled with focus. As the saying goes, if you can see it, and you can believe it, you can achieve it!


Second, in addition to making the idea real in your mind, it will be necessary to change your patterns. Consider the people that you surround yourself with daily. Are they positive or negative? Are they the type of people that you can learn from and that can teach you things? If not you’ll want to make a conscious effort to be around people that are smarter, and more established that you are. It will also cause you to consider your activities. Are you playing video games every day, are you gossiping with the girls, or spending the bulk of your time on social media? You will want to adopt mentally stimulating activities such as reading books that teach you personal development principles or professional development principles. You may also want to consider webinars that you can participate on from the comforts of your home.


Third, where do you spend your time? The places that you invest your time is extremely important. Are you going you happy hour, or buffets? That can be ok, but not if you have a goal to extend your education, start you’re business, or get a promotion that will not help you.If you are going to go to happy hour’s or buffets, you should do it with the intention on networking! Additionally, it can be stimulating to go to libraries, or business districts versus hanging out at home or going to the movies every weekend.

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Filed under Purpose, Transformation