Tag Archives: People

The Problem With A Lot of People

The problem with a lot of people is that they’re to dang on strong. Too independent, too self reliant, but isn’t that a good thing?  Actually it is, but it can also be a curse.  How so?  Those of us who have run the family by yourselves for years, those of us who have been running your own business, those of us who continue to be the lead on every endeavor or project (yes…recreational, business, or work related) don’t catch a break.


You really don’t give yourself a break. Have you ever stopped to notice, or have you ever figured out why you’re so tired, your eyes are dry, they burn, your thoughts at times run into other thoughts, you fall asleep in the chair or at your computer…etc, etc.

What do I mean?  You are treated like, and expected to be above the rim of emotional concern or consideration.  You never get sick or, if you do, it’s like what!  You’re sick for real?  You rarely have someone come to your beck and call because you are above the rim (after all you can handle it)!

Why should someone ask you if you need help?  You got it all down and figured out.  Many psychologist say give yourself a break, share the load, don’t try to do everything, but who can you rely on?  That always seems to be it, right?  You need more than a little faith, give others an opportunity and give yourself a chance to be mere mortal and maybe you’ll get a chance to really enjoy the fruits of your labor, or appreciate things from a different perspective (sharing  via teaching and granting opportunity to others).

Good hard work can turn into something bad, and that bad effort can reap a lesson for good!

Learn More:http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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