Tag Archives: Motivation

Three Benefits of Helping Others

By simply sharing your knowledge and resources, you stand to gain three benefits — benefits that will position you as an industry leader while also ensuring the longevity of your business.

1. Create Brand Advocates
You can garner valuable brand advocates by simply providing help where help is needed. We recently took this concept to heart and hired someone who is solely responsible for helping our partners. Whether it’s providing a press opportunity, a referral, or simply valuable information, it’s that person’s job to find opportunities to help someone out.
As a result of simply helping our partners, we’ve gained a community of brand advocates who consistently refer potential clients our way, bringing us valuable opportunities.

2. Decrease Barriers
When you make the effort to help someone, you are given the opportunity to form a meaningful relationship, rather than a purely transactional one.
Take my relationship with Scott Gerber, “super connector” and founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council. When we met two years ago, we could have rushed into a strictly business relationship, which wouldn’t have lasted long. Instead, Scott and I have made a meaningful connection over the past two years by giving each other feedback on projects and providing introductions. As an added benefit, we were recently able to make a seamless transactional deal because of the trust previously established between the two of us.
It’s relationships like this — larger, meaningful partnerships — that will differentiate you from competitors and provide you with the credibility to make similarly valuable connections in the future.

3. Encourage Employees to Do the Same
By helping others, you’re setting an example for your employees to do the same. This means employees will be more likely to go out of their way to help clients, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.
Consider the debt collection agency CFS2, for example. It has a simple strategy: help the people they collect from pay their debts. By helping people create résumés, coaching them through difficult times, and providing other resources, CFS2 is outperforming competitors by 200 percent. This strategy is great not only because it reflects the company’s goodwill, but by sharing its knowledge and resources with others, CFS2 positions itself as an expert in personal finances. If your brand can garner a reputation based on both amiability and expertise, you’ll have more than just a profitable business.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


Lean in to what turns you on. Lean in to what makes you strong. When you find that special something, don’t take it lightly because it can be a lifetime difference maker. Although we live our lives for ourselves, we also live it for those around us.


The people that we know that have a vested interest in our lives are key. In many ways they keep us focused based on familiarity. Their mere presence can be our guideline. We’ll also find that we are the leaders in their lives and we are setting the example for them. Why simply because they watch and or follow us.

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We will also find that we set either a positive or negative example with people that we don’t have a personal relationship with. We may potentially become their role models from afar. One day we may learn that we have helped them without lifting a finger.


When you lean in you are exhibiting focus, intensity, purpose and a sense of stickitivity. When you are leaning in nothing else matters as much as your reason for being caught up in that purpose.


Make it count! Most people do not complete or finish things in their lives. Make your life and your stance matter more than anything else. Just lean in! http://bit.ly/1jumt2O


Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


We are all special. We have gifts, talents and abilities that are waiting to be used. It’s up to us to learn or identify what those gifts are. We are able to learn those gifts under various circumstances.

Some people have been dialed in all of their lives. Their personality and character is so closely aligned with their purpose that we would have known all along that they were destined to become an accountant, carpenter athlete, or artist.
The breakdown of others varies also. The guy/gal that has worked all of their life, but woke up to realize that have an empty existence. That person has to come to a point where they will either attach themselves to a growth component in life or they will remain the same for the rest of their life.

Whether I have described your scenario or not, you must understand that your gift is yours. It is designed for you and nobody else can claim it. However, if you don’t discover it, use it appreciate, and respect it…you can lose it. You can never take your skill, gift, or talent for granted.
I did that with music after a lifetime of singing performances only to find that I was no longer able to hit the high note. It can be a crushing blow. It can even be mentally paralyzing. I guess my point is we have to learn to be dialed in. We need to realize that there is much value in sacrifice.

No matter which path you choose, there is one thing that needs to be understood. You have to treat others respectfully and equally! Just because you may have found your gift, if doesn’t put you above other people. There few exceptions in life where you may get a pass because of how special you are, but we never know if we will be granted that exception. As the saying goes “to whom much is given much is expected in return”.

Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O
Sir Charles Cary, Inc.

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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation, Uncategorized


Vulnerability is uncomfortable, but it’s normal. When you work against your discomfort you gain strength. The strength you gain turns into knowledge and that knowledge turns into wisdom.

The growth process is not an easy one to endure, but it’s simple when you accept it. True growth takes place one second at a time and one experience at a time, so learn to embrace it.


In order to be a complete you, there will be sacrifice. Do not expect to have a great meal and your favorite dessert every night of the week. To get the job done you must be willing to lose sleep.

When you embrace your vulnerability you will find the ability to change, convert, or transform an essential aspect to your life’s growth.

Sir Charles Cary, Alternative Recourse Expert

Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O


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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Transformation


Nobody should live his or her life as a copy. It’s great to be inspired by others and to have mentors, but you have to be you. Your personality is as unique as your fingerprints. We all have found favor with entertainers, athletes and celebrities, but they are getting pay and recognition for who they are and what they do. Impersonators and impressionist have to have multiple characters in their arsenal and they have to be good. So how many people do you need to be in order to get your just do.  You only need to be yourself, and be the best at what you are known for.


I think it’s smart to follow the process, but win lose or draw we need to look within and find that signature sound, that signature voice or move that makes us appreciated. There is much merit in the way you tell the story. In fact there is a market for almost everything and everybody. Understand that, there is someone waiting to hear your message the way that you tell it.


While we are in search of success, realize that success is measurable. The more you mature and develop the more you design and define your success! So, as the saying goes…”be yourself, everybody else is already taken” Learn more about transformation and being your best you! http://bit.ly/1jumt2O  Get the FREE report: The Cure 4 Today‘s Professional! http://bit.ly/U5S8P8


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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Transformation


True transformation isn’t easy. It takes awhile to realize that the change needed is real, and that it’s achievable. Many people think about it and even know that it’s needed, but won’t muster the challenge to initiate the variables to achieve success!


First you must acknowledge it, and mentally position yourself to realize how important it is, and figure out what are the steps to actualize it.  The power of the human mind can be amazing when it is coupled with focus. As the saying goes, if you can see it, and you can believe it, you can achieve it!


Second, in addition to making the idea real in your mind, it will be necessary to change your patterns. Consider the people that you surround yourself with daily. Are they positive or negative? Are they the type of people that you can learn from and that can teach you things? If not you’ll want to make a conscious effort to be around people that are smarter, and more established that you are. It will also cause you to consider your activities. Are you playing video games every day, are you gossiping with the girls, or spending the bulk of your time on social media? You will want to adopt mentally stimulating activities such as reading books that teach you personal development principles or professional development principles. You may also want to consider webinars that you can participate on from the comforts of your home.


Third, where do you spend your time? The places that you invest your time is extremely important. Are you going you happy hour, or buffets? That can be ok, but not if you have a goal to extend your education, start you’re business, or get a promotion that will not help you.If you are going to go to happy hour’s or buffets, you should do it with the intention on networking! Additionally, it can be stimulating to go to libraries, or business districts versus hanging out at home or going to the movies every weekend.

Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O




Filed under Purpose, Transformation


You’re not going to get ahead in life because everyone deserves an opportunity. You’re not going to get ahead in life because ladies go first.  You’re not going to get ahead in life because you’re younger, faster, stronger,smarter or more attractive.


Let me explain. These things may contribute to your advancement and in many cases, they may seem overwhelmingly or obviously the reason for your advancement in life, but it’s not true.


Every now and then the above-mentioned strengths / attributes will apply solely to a small percentage of an individuals success.  However, as I previously mentioned it’s usually only an additive.


I know for a fact that nothing in life is singular and everything is compounded.  Things don’t just happen, they happen as a result of multiple instances or occurrences! Transformation is an option for everyone, but everyone doesn’t realize that it’s obtainable.  Some people don’t even know it’s available.


There’s a saying that states we are products of our environment.  I have to admit from my own experience it’s true. Whether you are successful or poor, in most cases you are just that.  A mere product of your environment and that means that what ever you see or experience will more than likely determine how you turn out.



Now, knowing that the human brain and certain experiences can significantly change a person’s outcome.  For example…look at the kid that was teased as a child and grows up to be a law enforcement officer.  The only problem there will be if the person abuses their authority.


You have to be conscious of your upbringing and your surroundings. If you don’t like something, you have the option to change.  If it separates you from the pack or what we know as the norm…you will have to ask yourself can you live with it. Is being different (better)worth your lifestyle or your sanity? After you answer yourself all bets should be off! Just go for it!


Remember, you’re not going to learn everything from your parents, you’re not going to learn everything from your teachers, and you’re not going to learn everything from your spouse.


We learn and become great as a result of an accumulation of life changes, challenges and experiences.  You will never be the same person you were as a child and maybe not even as a teen.  Life is transformation!


Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O

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Filed under Purpose, Transformation


Black History means so much more than Martin Luther King, so much more than Frederick Douglass, so much more that Harriet Tubman, and so much more than Marcus Garvey.

Black History means there was struggle, there was blood shed, and there were trials and tribulations. Black History means that people came together, and people were pulled apart.

ImageBlack History means there were patents made and inventions created. Black History means that there was sacrifice and a loss of life. Black History means that everything they stood for you have the opportunity to lavish in today.

Black History means that there was a cause fought for, and the cause still stand to be fulfilled. Black History means that if you don’t stand for  something  you might fall for anything.

Black History means that for your immediate family, for your children, or for your grandchildren, their future may depend on you.  Black History means that for all of the above statements made…make it your business, so that  As my good friend Dr.Willie Jolley would say…YOUR BEST IS YET TO COME!

Learn More: http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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Filed under Purpose

The Problem With A Lot of People

The problem with a lot of people is that they’re to dang on strong. Too independent, too self reliant, but isn’t that a good thing?  Actually it is, but it can also be a curse.  How so?  Those of us who have run the family by yourselves for years, those of us who have been running your own business, those of us who continue to be the lead on every endeavor or project (yes…recreational, business, or work related) don’t catch a break.


You really don’t give yourself a break. Have you ever stopped to notice, or have you ever figured out why you’re so tired, your eyes are dry, they burn, your thoughts at times run into other thoughts, you fall asleep in the chair or at your computer…etc, etc.

What do I mean?  You are treated like, and expected to be above the rim of emotional concern or consideration.  You never get sick or, if you do, it’s like what!  You’re sick for real?  You rarely have someone come to your beck and call because you are above the rim (after all you can handle it)!

Why should someone ask you if you need help?  You got it all down and figured out.  Many psychologist say give yourself a break, share the load, don’t try to do everything, but who can you rely on?  That always seems to be it, right?  You need more than a little faith, give others an opportunity and give yourself a chance to be mere mortal and maybe you’ll get a chance to really enjoy the fruits of your labor, or appreciate things from a different perspective (sharing  via teaching and granting opportunity to others).

Good hard work can turn into something bad, and that bad effort can reap a lesson for good!

Learn More:http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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The importance of discomfort is very real, and very difficult to embrace.  Most of us identify it as a negative interaction of various proportions.  I recently wrote an article talking about morality and consciousness.  In the article I described the truth about the human ability to make the right choice between simple right and wrong. The bottom line of the article was that…even if it’s difficult to make the right choice, you will be accountable and responsible for what it is that you select.Image

Most  people find it incredibly difficult to make the right choice in their life because it’s not a popular thing to do.  If everyone else is doing bad, wrong, or going wayward…why should I do the right thing and how much difference is going to make if I do what everybody else is doing.

Another reason why the right choice is avoided is simply because people move to fast and don’t consider consequences.  Yet once again they will have to answer regardless to how sever…their consequences will be waiting for them.  Many of us just want that microwave satisfaction, and I want it too, but as you get older, slower, seemingly have more to lose (in sense of speaking…trust, respectability, etc.) you realize how important it is or isn’t and you decide accordingly.

If you have done a lot of foolishness, or if you have gotten away with a lot of foolishness the thrill may be gone.  You may have answered for your indiscretions, or you may realize that it’s just a matter of time before things catch up with you. Hence you decide it’s not worth it.

Without the wisdom or experience nothing seems to be risky, and you may think I don’t need to wait, and I don’t want to be the only one not having fun.  I don’t want to be the only one not getting the advantage.There are several lessons in going against the grain or doing whats right.  Someone once told me…”why are you trying so hard to fit in when it’s obvious you were meant to standout”…I was like whoa!  I got that, but wasn’t ready for it.  After digesting those words and letting it marinate I realize that those words fit to my true nature.  I was more comfortable as an outcast, oddball, square, or simply put…being different.

I’d also learned that the feeling of discomfort was like an internal alarm warning me to be cautious.  In some instances it can simply meant that it’s time to remove yourself.  It’s so much easier and so much more comfortable to blend in versus stand out.  Then you don’t have to acknowledge anything openly, because the person next to you is probably doing the same thing that everyone else is doing.  I must bare witness to that, but that’s probably not the role for you.  You’ll learn patience, you’ll learn understanding, you’ll learn how to capitalize off of the mistakes of others and probably a few more things.

In most cases being uncomfortable is about growth.  When you find it’s time to learn a new skill or be in an environment that’s uncomfortable you are growing yourself to extract something from that experience. In closing I’d say embrace discomfort and embrace new learning.

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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