Tag Archives: motivational speaker


Sometimes we simply do not know. We don’t know how something works, we don’t know why it’s that way, and we don’t know how to change it. There’s nothing wrong with not knowing. It’s just that at some point you need to learn how to change your level of awareness or intellect.

When we are exposed to the same treatment or experiences we have to realize that it’s up to us to modify or flat out stop those things from happening when they’re negative and may harm others. Those lessons give us the experience to know what to do, or what not to do.

The key is to take negative situations and create a 180 degree response. The change from what is to what should be may not be quick, but it’s better slow than non-existent. That in itself will show and prove that you have what it takes to make good decisions. That decision can possibly become a benefit to you and to others.

Learning the process of becoming a good decision maker can make for a happy and successful personal or business career. In addition there’s another reason to not use “I don’t know”. We have to eliminate excuses.

Today information is available at your fingertips. It’s available on your cell phone, on your tablet, and on your computer. We should always be aware of the resources available to us. In many cases people think that as an Alternative Recourse Expert things are sophisticated, but it’s really a common sense approach. Just as someone helped me, it afforded me the opportunity and the ability to help myself first then on to helping others.

So in closing, whatever you don’t know should and could be short lived. Look for those common scenarios and hurtles as the signs of what you need to tackle and make your mental 180 degree turn, and change your circumstances in the process!


Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O
Sir Charles Cary, Inc.


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Filed under Alternative Recourse, Purpose, Transformation


True transformation isn’t easy. It takes awhile to realize that the change needed is real, and that it’s achievable. Many people think about it and even know that it’s needed, but won’t muster the challenge to initiate the variables to achieve success!


First you must acknowledge it, and mentally position yourself to realize how important it is, and figure out what are the steps to actualize it.  The power of the human mind can be amazing when it is coupled with focus. As the saying goes, if you can see it, and you can believe it, you can achieve it!


Second, in addition to making the idea real in your mind, it will be necessary to change your patterns. Consider the people that you surround yourself with daily. Are they positive or negative? Are they the type of people that you can learn from and that can teach you things? If not you’ll want to make a conscious effort to be around people that are smarter, and more established that you are. It will also cause you to consider your activities. Are you playing video games every day, are you gossiping with the girls, or spending the bulk of your time on social media? You will want to adopt mentally stimulating activities such as reading books that teach you personal development principles or professional development principles. You may also want to consider webinars that you can participate on from the comforts of your home.


Third, where do you spend your time? The places that you invest your time is extremely important. Are you going you happy hour, or buffets? That can be ok, but not if you have a goal to extend your education, start you’re business, or get a promotion that will not help you.If you are going to go to happy hour’s or buffets, you should do it with the intention on networking! Additionally, it can be stimulating to go to libraries, or business districts versus hanging out at home or going to the movies every weekend.

Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O




Filed under Purpose, Transformation


You’re not going to get ahead in life because everyone deserves an opportunity. You’re not going to get ahead in life because ladies go first.  You’re not going to get ahead in life because you’re younger, faster, stronger,smarter or more attractive.


Let me explain. These things may contribute to your advancement and in many cases, they may seem overwhelmingly or obviously the reason for your advancement in life, but it’s not true.


Every now and then the above-mentioned strengths / attributes will apply solely to a small percentage of an individuals success.  However, as I previously mentioned it’s usually only an additive.


I know for a fact that nothing in life is singular and everything is compounded.  Things don’t just happen, they happen as a result of multiple instances or occurrences! Transformation is an option for everyone, but everyone doesn’t realize that it’s obtainable.  Some people don’t even know it’s available.


There’s a saying that states we are products of our environment.  I have to admit from my own experience it’s true. Whether you are successful or poor, in most cases you are just that.  A mere product of your environment and that means that what ever you see or experience will more than likely determine how you turn out.



Now, knowing that the human brain and certain experiences can significantly change a person’s outcome.  For example…look at the kid that was teased as a child and grows up to be a law enforcement officer.  The only problem there will be if the person abuses their authority.


You have to be conscious of your upbringing and your surroundings. If you don’t like something, you have the option to change.  If it separates you from the pack or what we know as the norm…you will have to ask yourself can you live with it. Is being different (better)worth your lifestyle or your sanity? After you answer yourself all bets should be off! Just go for it!


Remember, you’re not going to learn everything from your parents, you’re not going to learn everything from your teachers, and you’re not going to learn everything from your spouse.


We learn and become great as a result of an accumulation of life changes, challenges and experiences.  You will never be the same person you were as a child and maybe not even as a teen.  Life is transformation!


Learn More: http://bit.ly/1jumt2O

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Why do we need to enjoy someone else being held down?  That is simply sad, wrong, and sometimes evil! If you’re a business owner I’m really hoping you can see the message and how things parallel here!  Being the underdog obviously has it’s disadvantages, but sometimes it can be advantageous also.  Think like a ninja and they will never see you coming.
I watched both of (#Oprah Winfrey’s shows last night and they were awesome.  This is why documentaries or talk shows with content work for me.

Her platform spoke about the color issue within the African American female community (entertainment) and the color issue within the #AfricanAmerican community regarding daily living, which crosses over into #Business and a few other areas.

At one point slave owners use it, the rich have used it and it works.  What you may ask putting people against each other because of their differences.

It’s use to gain control for an array of reasons.  It’s used in politics, it’s use in economics, etc.  countries / parties use it against their own people and against outsiders.  Light vs dark, slim vs heavy, thick hair vs thin hair.

So What is the take away…TOGETHERNESS…we need to learn #TOGETHERNESS.  All people have to learn to uplift all people.  That does not mean giving a way your last meal or your last dollar, but to simply care for each other in this one world we share.

Toughness will allow anybody to make it in this life.  Can’t you see how the have’s will keep having?  The oppressed will keep oppressing!  Even with a bad economy there’s enough money, food, and opportunity for all of us.  Greed and selfishness does not have to be an option.

We have got to RYES as Sharon Parker would say…RISE to the opportunity to be more, have more and do more…as my friend Curtis Roberts would say NOTICE WHAT YOU NOTICE…don’t choose to be blind!

It’s all about #Personaldevelopment (mental development)

Find Your Pleasure, Find Your Passion, & Find Your #Purpose!

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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The importance of discomfort is very real, and very difficult to embrace.  Most of us identify it as a negative interaction of various proportions.  I recently wrote an article talking about morality and consciousness.  In the article I described the truth about the human ability to make the right choice between simple right and wrong. The bottom line of the article was that…even if it’s difficult to make the right choice, you will be accountable and responsible for what it is that you select.Image

Most  people find it incredibly difficult to make the right choice in their life because it’s not a popular thing to do.  If everyone else is doing bad, wrong, or going wayward…why should I do the right thing and how much difference is going to make if I do what everybody else is doing.

Another reason why the right choice is avoided is simply because people move to fast and don’t consider consequences.  Yet once again they will have to answer regardless to how sever…their consequences will be waiting for them.  Many of us just want that microwave satisfaction, and I want it too, but as you get older, slower, seemingly have more to lose (in sense of speaking…trust, respectability, etc.) you realize how important it is or isn’t and you decide accordingly.

If you have done a lot of foolishness, or if you have gotten away with a lot of foolishness the thrill may be gone.  You may have answered for your indiscretions, or you may realize that it’s just a matter of time before things catch up with you. Hence you decide it’s not worth it.

Without the wisdom or experience nothing seems to be risky, and you may think I don’t need to wait, and I don’t want to be the only one not having fun.  I don’t want to be the only one not getting the advantage.There are several lessons in going against the grain or doing whats right.  Someone once told me…”why are you trying so hard to fit in when it’s obvious you were meant to standout”…I was like whoa!  I got that, but wasn’t ready for it.  After digesting those words and letting it marinate I realize that those words fit to my true nature.  I was more comfortable as an outcast, oddball, square, or simply put…being different.

I’d also learned that the feeling of discomfort was like an internal alarm warning me to be cautious.  In some instances it can simply meant that it’s time to remove yourself.  It’s so much easier and so much more comfortable to blend in versus stand out.  Then you don’t have to acknowledge anything openly, because the person next to you is probably doing the same thing that everyone else is doing.  I must bare witness to that, but that’s probably not the role for you.  You’ll learn patience, you’ll learn understanding, you’ll learn how to capitalize off of the mistakes of others and probably a few more things.

In most cases being uncomfortable is about growth.  When you find it’s time to learn a new skill or be in an environment that’s uncomfortable you are growing yourself to extract something from that experience. In closing I’d say embrace discomfort and embrace new learning.

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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I was never a great student…C or C+ average at best.  My best or favorite classes were music, art, science, and gym. I went throughout my entire school experience including high school and college unsure and following what others have done.


There was one independent decision made while attending college and that was to simply change my major from accounting to business administration.  I knew that I had a need for diversity, but I didn’t ever want to bite off more than I could chew.  Business admin was diverse but it didn’t seem to require and in depth effort. I preferred the easy route, and in many ways today I still do.

If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve found something I am good at today, I don’t know where I may have ended up.  Speaking and training just seem so natural for me.  When I add writing the blogs or the fact that I’m an author of 2 books, I feel reasonably accomplished although far from my adulthood goal.

I was never a great athlete either.  I will always remember playing on a team an averaging 1.5 points a  game and maybe 0.5 rebounds for the season.  That doesn’t event top the fact that we lost every single game in the season (0-12).  The best takeaway from that experience is that I participated in an an activity that thousands upon thousand of boys and men never get an opportunity to experience.

That experience adds so much value to one’s self esteem and one’s life experience as it relates to communication, team work, and formal structure.  We all had team jerseys, we all played an organize sport and traveled locally as a unit with one goal in mind.  Win or lose we wanted to execute a plan to win at a sport we all loved.

I spent most of my time in the creative arts and I was never the best at that either. I was never a great artist…although I wanted to be and I’ve had plenty of opportunity to hone and refine all of my artistic skills. As I look back over my life I know I could have been a better creative artist.

I relied too much on ego and I relied on my previous accomplishments to make me feel as if I was at a level that I really was not.  When it comes to singing that type of mindset is totally taboo.  Your ability to breathe fluctuate between high and low notes, and all of the vocal manipulation that should be part of your arsenal will be non existent if you don’t practice.  Now if you know some of the tricks of the trade that will pull you through but only to a certain degree.

Drawing is another part of the arts that I loved, but I never took it too serious because of my involvement with music. I transitioned into choir and eventually instrumentation. However when it comes to graphic arts on a basic level, I put together some very interesting ideas with promotional items.  In fact many people consider my work polished.

So, I’m finding that it took me half a century to learn so many lessons that I can now apply to this portion of my life with a full heart because the lesson has been learned and  it’s up to me to simply prove it.

Starting a sentence with the words “I was never”, is a thing of the past, and will only be a reference for teaching because through it all, I’ve been molded for a more rewarding time and a more rewarding opportunity. As a motivational speaker or business trainer I can take all of my failures with a penniless value and turn them into golden resources.

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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Get Started:

The old saying is that the journey of a 1000 miles starts with the first step, and that is true. No matter what you do or what you want to do in life…you simply have to begin.

There is process to everything. Just like yesterday I spoke about claiming it. That is one of the key steps in the initial process. You think or are inspired by something, you ponder the possibilities, you write down your first ideas, you change it up a bit, then you start to write it out.

Before you know it…you’ve written a paragraph or a page. Voila you’ve just given birth to your very first project. It’s usually the same for everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a speaker, a designer, an educator, or an artist.
How and why this is purposeful is because of how unique you are. There may be people with similar ideas, but they won’t present it or create it EXACTLY the same way that you would.

 I’ve been told that the graveyard is rich with books, ideas, creations, and brilliant minds. What they have in common is that none of them every gave birth to their brilliance. So don’t take your brilliance to the graveyard…Get Started!

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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