Tag Archives: Pleasure Passion Purpose


The importance of discomfort is very real, and very difficult to embrace.  Most of us identify it as a negative interaction of various proportions.  I recently wrote an article talking about morality and consciousness.  In the article I described the truth about the human ability to make the right choice between simple right and wrong. The bottom line of the article was that…even if it’s difficult to make the right choice, you will be accountable and responsible for what it is that you select.Image

Most  people find it incredibly difficult to make the right choice in their life because it’s not a popular thing to do.  If everyone else is doing bad, wrong, or going wayward…why should I do the right thing and how much difference is going to make if I do what everybody else is doing.

Another reason why the right choice is avoided is simply because people move to fast and don’t consider consequences.  Yet once again they will have to answer regardless to how sever…their consequences will be waiting for them.  Many of us just want that microwave satisfaction, and I want it too, but as you get older, slower, seemingly have more to lose (in sense of speaking…trust, respectability, etc.) you realize how important it is or isn’t and you decide accordingly.

If you have done a lot of foolishness, or if you have gotten away with a lot of foolishness the thrill may be gone.  You may have answered for your indiscretions, or you may realize that it’s just a matter of time before things catch up with you. Hence you decide it’s not worth it.

Without the wisdom or experience nothing seems to be risky, and you may think I don’t need to wait, and I don’t want to be the only one not having fun.  I don’t want to be the only one not getting the advantage.There are several lessons in going against the grain or doing whats right.  Someone once told me…”why are you trying so hard to fit in when it’s obvious you were meant to standout”…I was like whoa!  I got that, but wasn’t ready for it.  After digesting those words and letting it marinate I realize that those words fit to my true nature.  I was more comfortable as an outcast, oddball, square, or simply put…being different.

I’d also learned that the feeling of discomfort was like an internal alarm warning me to be cautious.  In some instances it can simply meant that it’s time to remove yourself.  It’s so much easier and so much more comfortable to blend in versus stand out.  Then you don’t have to acknowledge anything openly, because the person next to you is probably doing the same thing that everyone else is doing.  I must bare witness to that, but that’s probably not the role for you.  You’ll learn patience, you’ll learn understanding, you’ll learn how to capitalize off of the mistakes of others and probably a few more things.

In most cases being uncomfortable is about growth.  When you find it’s time to learn a new skill or be in an environment that’s uncomfortable you are growing yourself to extract something from that experience. In closing I’d say embrace discomfort and embrace new learning.

FOR MORE INFO:  http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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Filed under Purpose


First of all stop thinking you know what I’m thinking  and stop thinking you know what I’m going to say, and stop thinking you understand my logic, especially if we’re debating a topic that we’re passionate about.  Doesn’t that just kill you?  I know I can’t stand it.  I’ve lost my cool so many times when this has happened to me.  How did you respond?

We deal with so many different and sometimes sophisticated / complicated people, and that doesn’t even take into consideration that we all have something going on in our lives.  How dare I say that my situation is more important than yours.  To let the truth be told, instead of rising to the occassion in one of these scenarios I’ve found that I’ve allowed myself to do to my offender exactly what they did to me.  I’m not proud of it, just admitting the truth.

A bit of truth can be liberating in one of these unpleasant scenarios.  Oh yeah, please stop apologizing for cutting me off and then blaming me for doing it first.  It may be a bit humorous right now, but can you relate to how frustrating this can be? Okay, whether it’s your thought process, your logic, or apologies…it seems that our society is in a hurry with everything.  We’ve captured and created a new trend.  The trend is called disrespect and a lack of patience!

We no longer want to wait for anything.  Whether it’s a response to a question, or a waiter to bring us our meal, or the pounds to fall off because we’ve gained to much weight.  We are in a world with an even greater need for instant gratification, instant success, and instant understanding.

Now on behalf of women, mature women that is…I must admit the ladies are so much better at this than men are.  Did I say just as long as they are at least 35 years of age in most cases!  Now I’ve seen some mature women flick off in public and it’s bad on several levels.  1. We expect them to have it together much better than that and number 2. We want them to be an example for the younger females that don’t have a clue.

Fellas we have got our work cut out for us in the patience game.  We get so irritated and have a very short attention span in life on a lot of levels. I’m not male bashing, I’m just saying we need to learn to take things in stride. We want to make a home-run the moment we meet a woman for example.  If you’d ask a woman, even when we have met them our bodies are in a hurry also J, just had to go there.

Now just like our female counterparts, the younger men are less patient than the seasoned vets.  The veteran males have the wisdom thing working on their behalf.  Now it does depend on the person.  Age and sex is not an across the board determination to who has more or less patience.

I bet if we all had a pastime or fulfilling career that pleased us we’d all be more inclined to take our time.

LEARN MORE: http://sircharlescary.net/contact.html

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